Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines! See, I’m almost delaying writing about deadlines……I’ve always been rubbish at meeting deadlines. I’m actually writing this tomorrow as we speak! As the old Chinese proverb goes, “why do something today when you can google what Bach’s favourite vegetable was (cabbage, possibly) or what a medium sized dog would weigh on Pluto (about the same weight as 2 bags of sugar).” Admittedly, I am sure there are catchier Chinese proverbs out there! GCSEs (yes I was young enough, just), A levels, degrees, teacher training, I have always been last Sadly. I don’t know how I actually wrote a book…..
Hence this October bulletin is coming to you 528 hours late (or 139, 968 hours on Venus).
So anyway, October has been a busy one at Jump! Towers. Big things have been happening! We have finally got Jump! Into the Official Celtic Store at Celtic Park. It’s also available globally on their online website too- Celtic Jump! Book ( . Well done to Sian Bagci at Sergar Creative for getting this one over the line. This is massive and perfect too because Jump! is, among other things, about a boy who dreams of playing for Celtic one day! And Jump! does of course include a foreword by Celtic goalie Joe Hart. When I saw the photo of Jump! in the shop (see attached pictures) it was another very proud and indeed exciting moment. Thank you Celtic for believing in Jump! Hopefully I will be going up to Glasgow soon to see the book there in person!
I’ve also done some more media stuff, including a live radio interview with the super friendly Jon Seabrook from Hertfordshire Mix 92.6 FM. It was great to speak to Jon about the trials and tribulations of Robbie Blair and indeed my own son, who inspired Jump! The interview was a bit frenetic at times (due to me unsurprisingly!) as I was also kind of presenting trophies to children at a squash tournament at the same time! Anyway way, I love thinking on my feet during live interviews and I don’t have time to start googling Baroque composers’ favourite vegetables- so it focuses me! Hopefully there will be more interviews winging my way.
Anyway! Until the next time……thank you for your patience. Especially if you are reading this from Venus.
